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Web dev. tips
- 1 line layouts
- 217+ Web Design Resources
- 3D Book Image Generator
- A Calendar in Three Lines of CSS
- A Clever Sticky Footer Technique
- A table with both a sticky header and a sticky first column
- All CSS properties
- Axios - promise base fetch
- Building a sidenav component
- Building a split-button component
- Coding fonts
- Conditional Border Radius In CSS
- Create a line break while maintaining inline status
- CSS Fix for 100vh in IOS
- CSS imageset()
- CSS Min, Max, Clamp
- CSS Parent Selector (:has)
- CSS Text effects
- CSS transitions
- Custom CSS Reset
- Defensive CSS
- Dialog: Building a dialog component
- Excalidraw
- Flexibly Centering an Element with Side-Aligned Content
- Fun with the dialog element
- Grid for layout, Flexbox for components
- Grid LayoutIt
- Gymnasium
- Handling Short And Long Content In CSS
- How to Build HTML Forms Right: Styling
- How to Create a Shrinking Header on Scroll Without JavaScript
- Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max()
- Javascript template string
- Less Absolute Positioning With Modern CSS
- Link rels
- Microsoft Edge Tools for VS Code
- Pure CSS Custom Checkbox Style
- Pure CSS Custom Styled Radio Buttons
- Quick hack: How to make the new CSS Overview feature of Chromium Devtools shareable
- Responsive Image Gallery With Animated Captions
- Responsive Layouts, Fewer Media Queries
- Simple PHP calendar events
- The Devil's Albatros
- The Odin Project
- TheWebDesigner.co
- Understanding min-content, max-content, and fit-content in CSS
- Useful DevTools Tips And Shortcuts (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)
- Using Modern Image Formats: AVIF And WebP
Aviser Norge
- Aftenposten
- Agenda
- Avisa Oslo
- Budstikka
- Dagbladet
- Dagens Næringsliv
- Dagsavisen
- Din Side
- Document.no
- Faktisk
- Farlige produkter
- Filter nyheter
- Forskning
- Hegnar
- Internet Curated
- Klar Tale
- Klassekampen
- Klikk.no
- Minerva
- Morgenbladet
- Nettavisen
- NrK
- NT24
- ProPublica
- Siste.no
- Teknisk Ukeblad
- TV2
- VG
- WindyTV
- YR
Aviser IT-nyheter
- 9to5mac
- Alltop.com
- Codrops
- Computerworld
- CSS tricks
- Digi
- Engadget
- Freshman
- Glitch
- Hackernoon
- HTML5 Dev center
- IT Avisen
- Kode24
- Lea Verou
- Learn Ui Design
- Mac1
- MacRumors
- MacWorld
- Martin Wolf
- Modern CSS
- Picalilli
- Sitepoint
- Smashing magazine
- tek.no
- Think vitamin
- Webdesign from scratch
- Webdesigner Wall
Aviser El-bil
- ABC elbil-nytt
- Aftenposten Elbil
- Bil24
- DB elbil
- DinSide elbil
- DN elbil
- Elbil.no
- Elbil24
- Elbilen.org
- Electrek
- EV news
- EVbite
- Green Cars Reports
- Motor
- NAF elbil
- Nrk elbil
- TU elbil
- Vi Bilägare
Aviser musikk
- Album of the Year
- All Music
- American Songwriter
- Any Decent Music
- Audiophile
- Ballade (musikknytt)
- Billboard
- Consequence of Sound
- Digital Music News
- Gaffa
- Lyd og bilde
- Maximum Volume
- Music Mayhem
- Musikknyheter
- New releases
- Northern Transmission
- NPS music
- Renowned for sound
- Rolling Stone
- The Music Universe
- The Skinny
- The WhaleReport
- UdiscoverMusic
- Under the radar
- WithGuitars
Aviser Internasjonal
- Associated press
- Axios
- Bellingcat
- Breitbart
- Bulwark
- BuzzFeed
- Calling Bullshit
- Corrective
- Daily Beast
- FiveThirtyEight
- Fox News
- Free magazines
- Go Comics
- Haaretz
- Holod (RUS)
- Honest Reporting
- Huffington Post
- Info wars
- Just Security
- Live HDTV
- Media Matters
- Medium
- Meduza (RUS)
- NBC news
- New York Daily News
- New York Times
- New Yorker
- NewsMax
- Novaya Gazeta
- One America News Network
- Politico
- Reason Magazine
- Reuters
- Sky News
- Sputnik news
- The Atlantic
- The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
- The Guardian
- The Hill
- The Insider
- The messenger
- The New York Magazine
- The Times
- USNewsOn
- Vanity Fair
- Vice
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
- Wired
- Alternate Column Scroll Animation
- Dribble
- PatternLab
- Ptterns
- StylesGuide
- StylifyMe
- Table design
- Webdesigner depot
Progressive Web Apps
- A Beginner’s Guide To Progressive Web Apps
- App manifest
- Apple splash screens
- Background Sync with Service Workers
- Caching strategies
- Credential Management
- Debounce function
- IndexedDB wrapper
- PHP Web Push
- Progressier
- PWA Asset Generator (NPM)
- PWA Fire
- PWA password credentials
- RealFavIconGenerator
- Service Worker Cook book
- You Might Not Need Electron
- Your first PWA
- Youtube Async Tutorial
- Youtube PWA course
- Matrix
- We flew to Australia for less than half price
Aviser podcasts
- Can He Do That
- Embedded
- FiveThirtyEight
- Left, Right and Center
- Pod Save America
- Rachel Maddow
- Slow Burn
- The Daily
- The Ezra Klein Show
- The Wilderness
- Trump Inc.
- Dexie
- idb
- 700 Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This September
- Youtube JavaScript
Tools for Web
- Image Compare view
- Random user
Responsive Images
- A Guide to the Responsive Images Syntax in HTML
- Audiomass lydeditor
- 10 unexpected online user behaviours to look out for
- Nettleserstøtte i NRK
- Blush
- Burst.shopify
- Creative Commons Image Search
- Designpacks
- Deskotography
- Foodiesfeed
- Free Digital Photos
- Free images
- Free images & videos
- Free Stock Photos List
- Freepik
- Freepixels
- Freerangestock
- Graphic Burger
- gratisography
- Gratisography
- Humaaans
- Kaboompics
- Kave Wall
- LifeOfPix
- Logo templater
- Lorem Pixum placeholder images
- Magdeline
- Morguefile
- New old stock
- OpenPeeps
- Photogen
- Photopea (Photoshop klone)
- PhotoPin
- PicJumbo
- PickUpImage
- Picography
- Pixabay
- Plixs
- Public Domain Archive
- Royalty free clipart
- Splitshire
- Squoosh (compress images)
- Stockvault
- StockVault
- The best free stock photo sites in 2018
- UnDraw
- Unsplash
- VisualHunt
- WeFunction
- WikiMedia
- Yayimages
- 320 and Up
- 52 framework
- 978 grid system
- Bootstrap
- HTML5 boilerplate
- HTML5 Reset
- jQuery Boilerplate
- jQuery plugin boilerplate
- Normalize
- prefixfree
- Webshims
- An Introduction to Cookies
- Managing Cron Jobs with PHP
- Scheduling Tasks with Cron Jobs
- 25 Detailed Tutorials for Coding Up Your Web Designs
- 10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
- 12 most used css-tricks
- 22 Advanced CSS Text Effects And Web Typography Tips
- 3 column layouts
- 50 really usefull css-tools
- 50 Useful Coding Techniques (CSS Layouts, Visual Effects and Forms)
- 6 Keys to Understanding Modern CSS-based Layouts
- 960 Grid system
- @font-face in IE: Making Web Fonts Work
- A JavaScript Content Switcher That Works Without JavaScript
- Ask the CSS guy
- Breaking Out of the Box With CSS Layouts
- Conditional comments block downloads
- CSS burst
- CSS dates
- CSS Fontstacks
- CSS karma
- CSS kompabilitetsskjema
- CSS layouts
- CSS print framework
- CSS Rounded Corners 'Roundup'
- CSS tabs
- CSS text rotation
- CSS-only Accordion
- Displaying Icons with Fonts and Data- Attributes
- Five simple steps to better typography
- Fix png24 IE6
- Floatutorial, Selectutorial, Listutorial
- Fonts available for @font-face embedding
- GRID overlay
- HasLyout IE
- House of style
- How nth-child Works
- IE bugs CSS
- IE8 css extensions
- Image scaling IE8
- Make the most of the iPhone SDK
- Pure CSS speech bubbles
- Selectoracle
- Setting Type on the Web to a Baseline Grid
- The Principles Of Cross-Browser CSS Coding
- Top-Down approach to simplify your CSS code
- Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
- Verticla centering using floats and clear
- Web typography
- Webkit css-styles
- What is Vertical Align?
- When can I use...
- Write More Efficient CSS
- YAML Builder
CSS Animation
- Animate
- Animista
- CSS animation Libraries
- CSS Animations
- CSS transitions
- Cubic-Bezier
CSS frameworks
- 320 and up
- 450+ CSS Layouts
- Baseline
- Slickmap
CSS Grid
- A Deep Dive Into CSS Grid minmax()
- CSS Min, Max, Clamp
- Grid LayoutIt
- Learn grid
CSS Tools
- CSS Clip Path Maker
- CSS generators (fancy borders)
- CSS Gradient Maker
- CSS Stripes Generator
- CSS Transitions
- Fluid Type Scale Calculator
- Gradient editor 2024
- Gradient Generator
- Loaders (spinners)
- Modern fluid typography editor
- Shadow Palette Generator
- Type Scale Clamp Generator
- Your friendly color palette generator primary: format: background: select a primary color ↓
- 10 CSS3 Properties you Need to be Familiar with
- 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
- A farewell to CSS gradients
- An Introduction To CSS3 Keyframe Animations
- Boilerplate CSS Media Queries
- Colorzilla gradient editor
- Create CSS3 buttons
- Cross Browser CSS Transforms – even in IE
- CSS drop-shadows without images
- CSS media queries
- CSS3 & HTML5 browser checklist
- CSS3 design contest
- CSS3 info
- CSS3 menu maker
- CSS3 Pseudo elements KOOOL stuff!
- CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer
- CSS3 Transitions Without Using :hover
- Hands on CSS3
- HTML for icon font usage (w/font-links)
- Linear Gradients explained
- Media Queries Boilerplate
- Min Max Clamp
- New Properties and Values in Backgrounds with CSS3
- Playing with Fire: Organic CSS3 Animation
- pure CSS3 boxes
- The shapes of CSS
- Techniques for Mastering cURL
- Startups, this is how design works
- Style Guides and UI Guidelines
- Del 2: Lysømfintlighet - Er ISO nope å bry seg om?
- Del 0: Oversikt
- Del 10: Få bedre farger og skarpere bilder
- Del 11: Slik berger du et mislykket bilde
- Del 12: Gir retusjering falske bilder?
- Del 13: Krigen mot bildestøy
- Del 14: Funklende øyne
- Del 15: SLik kalibrerer du LCD-skjermen
- Del 1: Hvordan blir strøm til lys
- Del 3: Slik håndteres varme og kalde farger
- Del 4: Hvor stort fargerom trenger du?
- Del 5: Hvilken blenderåpning bør du velge?
- Del 6: Er lukkertiden viktig?
- Del 7: Vidvinkel eller tele?
- Del 8: Få bildene dit der de hører hjemme. På PVen
- Del 9: Ditt bibliotek på PCen
- Aptana
- Eclipse
- Nodepad++
- Sublime Editor
- Textmate ( Mac )
- Textwrangler (Mac)
Egne sider
- 2TP
- Anne Vada
- BigBox
- Comunidad Porticomar
- Contec
- Farmen
- gartnerveien Barnehage
- Gateway
- Grammofon
- GuideIT
- Hilde Heltberg
- MajorStudio
- Medieloggen
- Norsk servicesenter
- Porticomar
- Sydenhus
- Ta tilflukt
- Testsenter.com
- Testsenter.info
- Testsenter.org
- Vamp
- Webdesign
- Auto Post to Facebook with the Facebook SDK
- How to Add Facebook Social Comment Box on any Website or WordPress
- How to Design and Program a Facebook Landing Page
- Import Blogs or RSS Feeds without Third Party Applications
- Integrating with Facebook
- Like button XFBML tutorial
- Open Graph Protocol
- Optimise your website for Facebook
- Pagemodo - customize facebook
- Post on Facebook FanPage (PHP API)
- Simple Steps to Publish On FaceBook Fan Page Using PHP
- The Open Graph Protocol
- Wrangling with the Facebook Graph API
- 10 Super Useful Tools for Choosing the Right Color Palette
- Color Explorer
- Color scheme designer
- Color: Meaning, Symbolism & Psychology
- Colour lovers
- Find the perfect color
- Awesome font stacks
- Bulletproof @font-face
- Copy paste character
- facebook symbols
- Font Browser
- Font icons
- Font squirrel
- Fontdragr
- Fonts available for @font-face embedding
- Free fonts for web
- Google Web fonts
- Blender, lukker og ISO
- Camera Simulation
- Cameratossing
Google maps
- Google maps query string parameters
- +One API
- Add +1 to your pages to help your site stand out
- How to Customize Your Google+ Profile to Match Your Brand
- Adobe
- CreativePro
- Sketchpad
- 18 free GUI
- A UI Design and Prototyping Treasure Chest
- Vista IE GUI
- htaccess og mod_rewrite 1
- htaccess og mod_rewrite 2
- https basics
- Stupic htaccess tricks
- Code standards
- Video for everybody
- 40+ Elegant Free CSS/(X)HTML Templates from 2010
- 7 lovely things about html5
- A Quick Look At HTML 5
- An Overview of the Web Storage API
- Building a To-do List with Local Storage
- Context Menu and FullScreen API.
- Data vocabulary
- Del 1 - How to Use HTML5 File Drag & Drop
- Del 2 - How to Open Dropped Files Using HTML5 and JavaScript
- Del 3 - How to Asynchronously Upload Files Using HTML5 and Ajax
- Del 4 - How to Create Graphical File Upload Progress Bars in HTML5 and JavaScript
- Dive Into HTML5
- Google Rich Snippets (Microdata)
- HTML 5 differences from HTML 4
- HTML5 patterns
- HTML5 please
- HTML5 rocks
- HTML5 template
- HTML5 test
- HTML5 Test
- Kendo HTML5 UI framework
- Learning About HTML5 Local Storage
- Mobile HTML5 Compability table
- Smashing Magazine HTML5 And The Document Outlining Algorithm
- Structural tags in HTML5
- Using Modernizr to detetc HTML5 features
- All the Small Icons You’ll Ever Need
- Crystal Clear
- Entypo
- Flat icons & icon fonts
- Free icons
- Free Icons: Ultimate Resource List
- Free vector download
- Icomoon
- Icon list
- iconfinder
- Inonspedia
- Map icons
- Streamline ikoner
- Tango Icon Library
Illustrator & Photoshop
- 185+ Web Design Tutorials using Photoshop, CSS, HTML etc.
- 30+ Best PSD to HTML/CSS Conversion Tutorials
- 365PSD
- 5 Useful Illustrator and Photoshop Tutorials for Christmas Season
- 50 Excellent Icon Design Tutorials
- 50 Free UI and Web Design Wireframing Kits, Resources and Source Files
- AI to Canvas
- Awesome digital bokeh effect in Photoshop
- Brusheezy
- Build a Better Drop Shadow
- Button Design & showcase
- Design & Illustration tutorials
- Design an awesome colorful layout
- Draw space
- Gradients
- Knock out explained
- Learn Illustrator in 30 days
- Make A Big, Beautiful Call-To-Action Button In Photoshop
- Photoshop brushes
- Photoshop gradients
- Sqetch Wireframe for Illustrator
- Templates for Every Project and Purpose
- The Ultimate Guide To Cloning In Photoshop
- Vecteezy
- Vector finder
- Adobe TV
- Before & After Magazine
- Design m.ag
- ECI (European Color Initiative)
- Google søk
- Layers Magazine
- NADA fargeoppsett
- 60 Elegant and Visually Appealing Designs
- airbnb
- Andy Rutledge
- Animator vs animation
- black design
- CSS Elite
- DesignFloat
- Emberapp
- Open Source Web Design Templates
- Polldaddy
- Site of the day
- sparnadur
- Unmatched Style
- A re-introduction to JavaScript
- Add Google map + vcard
- Ajax Explorer
- Ajaxload image creator
- Bok: Eloquent JavaScript
- BoxJS - js packager manager
- Cufon FONT replacement
- Dynamic Drive DHTML library
- Event order ( capture & bubble )
- Flash player written in JavaScript
- Foresight - high resolution images
- Google Chrome Frame
- Google closure compiler
- History of Javascript
- Javascript & The DOM
- JavaScript Closures Demystified
- Javascript vector
- JavaScript: 11 Mistakes you’re Making
- JavaScript: Classical inheritance
- JavaScript: Create Advanced Web Applications With Object-Oriented Techniques
- JavaScript: Details of the object model
- JavaScript: Explaining scope and closures
- JavaScript: Learning Advanced JavaScript
- JavaScript: Modern Debugging Tips and Tricks
- JavaScript: New Tricks in XMLHttpRequest2
- JavaScript: Private Members
- JavaScript: Ten Oddities And Secrets
- JavaScript: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language
- JavaScriptAnt resources
- JQuery plugins
- Kule javascript ting
- Kurs JavaScript ( norsk )
- Learning JavaScript and DOM with Console
- Mozilla: Learn JavaScript
- New Tricks in XMLHttpRequest2
- OOP Javascript 1
- OOP Javascript 2
- OOP Javascript 3
- Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript
- Reference Javascript Kit
- Reference Mozilla
- Reference W3 schools
- Selectivizr css3 selectors for IE6-8
- Syncotype your baselines
- Tutorial echoecho
- Tutorial Opera
- Tutorial QuackIT
- Tutorial Quirksmode
- Tutorial Tizag
- Tutorial W3schools
- Tutorial WebDevelopersNotes
- Tutorial Webmonkey
- Tutorial Webucator
- Understanding “Prototypes” in JavaScript
- What is ‘this’ in JavaScript?
- 5 CSS3 Techniques For Major Browsers using the Power of jQuery
- 50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins
- jQuery Iphone Style Ajax Switch
- 15 Incredible Apple Webdesign Style Coding Tutorials
- 40 Useful jQuery Techniques and Plugins
- Adding Markers to a Map Using the Google Maps API and jQuery
- Better Password Inputs, iPhone Style
- checkbox plugin
- color box
- Colorbox
- Create a Twitter-like load more widget
- CRUD using jQuery and Codeigniter
- Curving text with CSS3 & jQuery
- Cycle
- Dashboard - How to Mimic the iGoogle Interface
- Extending jQuery’s selector capabilities
- Facebook like plugin
- Fancy Ajax Captcha
- Flip
- Forms - 12 Excellent jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Forms
- Full calendar
- Glimmer
- Glimmer
- Google Maps marker plugin
- Grooveshark widgets
- How to Create a Slideshow Plugin with jQuery
- How to Use the jQuery UI Autocomplete Widget
- Image Cube
- Img notes
- jPlayer
- jQuery Function Builder
- jQuery fundamentals e-book
- JQuery Grid Plugin
- jQuery nuts and bolts and bling
- Jquery PHP
- jQuery Plugin Tutorial, In-Depth for Absolute Beginners
- JQuery styledButton Plugin
- jQuery UI design & planning wiki
- Jquery video tutorials
- jQuery++
- Kurs jQuery ( norsk )
- LEARN JavaScript & jQuery for free
- Learning jQuery – Tutorial Roundup for Beginners
- Masked input
- Mixing CSS3 and jQuery
- Music player
- Official jQuery Templating Plugin
- Panel gallery
- Presenting the Great New Features of jQuery UI 1.8
- Quickflip
- Quicksand
- Rotate image
- Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images
- Sexy lightbox
- Simpe modal
- Slideshow tutorial
- Table plug-in for jQuery
- Tables - 12 Useful jQuery Plugins for Working with Tables
- The Best jQuery Plugins of 2009
- The Difference Between jQuery’s .bind(), .live(), and .delegate()
- Thickbox
- Tool tip
- Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery
- Uploadify
- VIDEO: An Extensive Exploration of jQuery
- Visual JQuery
jQuery plugins
- jQuery transit
- Cupcake ipsum
- Meet the Ipsums (Collection)
- Office ipsum
- MicroData Music album generator
Mod Rewrite
- 5 Fun and Practical Htaccess Solutions
- An In Depth Guide to mod_rewrite for Apache
- htaccess for the rest of us
- Introduction to URL rewriting
- Rewriting for SEO-Friendly URLs: .htaccess or PHP?
- Using htaccess Files for Pretty URLS
- AllMusic
- Grooveshark
- Musicovery
- Royalty free music
Må sjekkes
- 15 web apps for webdesigners
- 60 advanced PS tuorials
- 60 usefool tools
- Attach icons to anything
- Best practices for speeding up your site
- Build your own YouTUBE
- Cheat sheets
- Damn Auto correct
- Fresh Web Development Goodies Bag
- Google web elements
- How To Create
- HTML docbook
- If Architects Had to Work Like Web Designers
- Lars Monsen Facts
- Picnic editor
- PSD simple layout
- Really Useful Tutorials You Should Have Read in November 2009
- Regular expressions guide
- Table data generator
- Web browser standards support
- XML to PDF
Online Tools
- Aggie.io
- Alternativ to
- animate.css
- Browser Sandbox - Run any browser from the web
- Clean CSS
- Codeshare.io
- Convert Audio Online
- Convert files
- Copy paste character
- CSS3 Border image creator
- CSS3 generator
- Google SVG-edit
- HTML5 & CSS3 : When can I use
- html5 outliner
- JotForm
- JSbin
- Koding
- Noise texture generator
- Open with
- Placeholder images
- RegEx
- Rich snippets testing tool
- Script src
- Snippets
- Subtle patterns
- Support details
- Svadagenerator
- Svadagenerator IT
- Text generator
- Vector image
- Vintage images
- What font is
- Xrefresh
- 3 Ways to Speed up Your Site with PHP
- Cache it! Solve PHP Performance Problems
- ClickHeat | Clicks heatmap
- CodeIgniter From Scratch
- Creating a web app from scratch
- Exporting Data to Excel
- Filters: Getting Clean With PHP
- How to Process Credit Cards with PayPal Payments Pro Using PHP
- How to Send SMS with PHP
- How to Work with PHP and FTP
- HTML Parsing and Screen Scraping with the Simple HTML DOM Library
- Image Resizing Made Easy with PHP
- Object-Oriented PHP for Absolute Beginners
- PChart
- PHP + CSS dynamic text replacement
- PHP - the right way
- PHP to Excel
- PHP to Excel example
- PHP tutorials
- PHP: What You Need To Know To Play With The Web
- PHPExcel
- So You Want to Accept Credit Cards Online?
- Techniques for Mastering cURL
- The Easy Way To Install PHP on Windows
PHP Frameworks
- Laravel
- Phalcon
- Slime PHP Framework
- BitNami
- Heidi (Windows)
- MAMP (Mac)
- Navicat (Windows)
- Querious (mac)
- WAMP (Win)
- Zend Server Community edition
Regular Expressions
- A complete guide
- Concise, SCANNABLE, and Objective
- How to Write Successfully for the Web
- Hvordan skrive en god artikkel
- Writing for the Web
Sosiale medier
- Difis veileder i sosiale medier
- Fem tips for suksess på det sosiale nettet
- Hva krever sosiale medier?
- Sosiale medier difi
- A Collection Of MySQL Administration Tools
- A gentle introduction to SQL
- Converting an incorrect latin1 column to utf8
- tuts sql
- 21 SEO myths
- About rel="Canonical"
- Google
- Google Firefox extension
- Gulesider
- Kvasir
- Let's make the web faster
- More guidance on building high-quality sites
- sitemap generator
- The 5 Most Valuable Places for Keywords on Your Website
- User-Friendly SEO
- Free high quality design files
- Free templates
- Golden Grid System
- Aloha Editor
- Free Rich Texteditor
- InType texteditor
- QuillJS
- Anatomy of Typography
- Beautiful Web Typography: 7 tips on de-sucking the web
- Elegant Web Typography
- Grids, CSS, Standards, And Tomfoolery
- I love typography
- Line-height
- More perfect typography
- Sushi & robots (inspirasjon)
- Technical Web Typography: Guidelines and Techniques
- The Next Big Thing in Online Type
- Thinking with Type
- Type inspired interfaces
- Typograph scale & rhythm
- Typography head start
- A student's guide to webdesign
- Coding a Clean and Professional Web Design
- Creating a web app from scratch
- CSS Zengarden
- Designer's toolbox
- Designing for the web
- Digital Web
- Dynamic vs static urls
- Free CSS Templates
- Graphics.com
- Lectures, Screencasts and conferences for real web developers & designers
- Lynda.com
- ProWebArt
- SonSpring
- Teach your clients about the mysteries of the web
- URL Rewriting for Beginners
- Use Any Font in a Web Site Design
- W3 Schools
- W3C
- Web Design Laibrary
- Web Site Basics: Stuff Beginners Need To Know